It’s Time For The Fun Part

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I love the sport of triathlon.  There is always something to learn. You get to do three sports, which keeps the training interesting.  It helps you stay healthy and when the training load gets big, you can enjoy eating a lot of great food.

What I discovered last year however, is that it is just as much fun, helping others enjoy this sport too.  I mentored a couple of athletes, who were new to triathlon last year.  Even though racing was mostly cancelled, I was able to help them on their journey.  I liked it so much, that I decided to become a certified triathlon coach.

As we begin a new year, I have the honor of coaching athletes for the first time.  I am determined to do my best, to help them become the best athlete that they can be.  That all starts with building a training plan for them and that is what I started to do today.

That ‘blank slate’ in today’s photo, will soon be full of swim, bike and run workouts.  The start of a journey to, what will hopefully be, some good racing later this year.  I can’t honestly say if I am more excited for, my own upcoming races or my athlete’s races.  The excitement level is very high for both.

I know the sport well enough to know that there will be ups and downs along the way, but I also know that it’s going to be a fun year regardless.