It’s Holiday Party Season

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It’s that time of year when there are so many fun things happening.  Tonight I went to a Holiday themed murder mystery party at the gym, where my wife works out.  It was a fun evening and I ended up getting murdered …. by my wife !!

We have another party tomorrow night and so it begins… the season where I need to really manage my time well, in order to fit in my workouts.

Today, I had two things scheduled; a tough swim workout and a strength training / injury prevention session.  I knew I really couldn’t fit in both sessions, so what to do?  The options are obviously omit a session or move one to tomorrow.  Luckily, tomorrow is Saturday and I’ll have plenty of time to do an extra session.  I moved the strength session.

This left the swim and the only option was for me to swim before work.  It’s really tough getting up early, driving to the pool and starting a swim at 6.30 in the morning. This is especially so when it’s dark and cold outside.

Today however, I found myself being OK with it.  I think that was mostly because I knew my wife really wanted to do the party at her gym and I knew that I would have fun there too.  Also, I have been enjoying my swims lately and therefore it wasn’t a chore like it used to be for me.

The other benefit of an early morning swim is I can eat ‘all the food’ for breakfast.  I’m always really hungry after swimming.  Today was no exception … the egg and bacon breakfast sandwich I had tasted particularly good this morning.

Balancing life with triathlon isn’t always easy, but today I passed the test !!

Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.