It Is Fun To Run When Visiting New Cities

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When visiting new cities, it is always fun to go run. I always seem to find fun things, even when just heading out for a run from my hotel.  This proved to be true, on my run this afternoon.

I am in the city of Derby in England and late this afternoon, I left our hotel for a quick thirty minute run.  As is the usual case when running in a new place, I just picked a direction and started running.  It wasn’t too cold, but it was extremely windy.  The winds were apparently from “Storm Malik”.

I started off by running through an Industrial Park. After turning my first corner however, I was confronted with a huge stadium.  It was the home of Derby County Football Club.  It was a great find.  As I got closer, I realized that the huge picture on the main entrance, featured a famous managerial partnership from my childhood.  Memories of watching football as a kid, came flooding back.

After stopping for a quick photo, I carried on running and half a mile later, I came to a river.  Along the side of the river, was a really nice paved trail.  It turned out that it was a riverfront park that runs for over twenty miles.  It was a great find.  I will be doing my long run on this trail tomorrow.  I think I will follow the trail to the center of town.

My thirty minute run today reminded me once again, why I like running in new cities.  There will be more new cities on this trip. I am excited to run in all of them.