It Was Time To Test My Strength Gains

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A couple of months ago, I started to lift weights as part of my triathlon training.  I had decided, that adding strength work, was important if I was to maximize my  potential.  This is especially true for older athletes, as I explained in a blog post last November.

Seven weeks ago, I did a series of lifts to determine my one rep max; the theoretical maximum weight you can lift just once.  This is a calculated number and I wrote about that in a December post.  

After a solid, seven week block of lifting, I decided that I would use my ‘down week’, to re-test my one rep max for each of the various lifts that I do.  I will be focussing on only one movement per day, to avoid getting too fatigued.

Today was deadlift day.  I had a good feeling that my deadlift ‘one rep max’, was going to be quite a bit higher than my first attempt in December.  For one, I had been consistently lifting heavy weights for seven weeks, but I also knew that my technique had improved too.

I cranked up the music in my basement gym, and started to lift.  Early on, I just lifted to get warmed up.  Then I put a total weight onto the barbell, that I thought might be a good challenge.  I set myself in a good position, focused on good form and did the lift.  It felt surprisingly easy!  I did a couple more reps at this weight and it didn’t feel like it was heavy enough to do a good ‘one rep max’ test.  I needed to go heavier.

I did eventually find my limit, but it was so much higher than I had thought possible.  My deadlift ‘one rep max’ had increased by 38% in seven weeks !!!

Tomorrow, I’ll be testing my front squat.  I can’t wait to see what improvement I have with this movement, because my technique has improved the most with this one. 

I’m so happy that I have started lifting weights.  Not only is it making me stronger, it is also a lot of fun.