It Was Time To Get Back On The Saddle

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It has been exactly four weeks, since I have been on my bike. I did a short ride on the trainer before we left for our vacation in Colorado, and I haven’t cycled since.  It was time for me to get back on the saddle.

For some reason, I was finding it hard to get motivated to ride today.  I procrastinated pretty much all day, before finally forcing myself to get changed into my bike gear late in the afternoon.  Somewhat begrudgingly, I went down into the basement and set up for my ride.

My ride was a Zone 2 ride with some 30 seconds high power efforts.  As I began my ride, my legs reminded me that I hadn’t ridden in a while.  My muscles complained, even though I wasn’t pushing high power.  Normally they get a little better after a few minutes, but today they never did.

I got through the ride OK and realized that I had completed something challenging.  It wasn’t physically challenging, but it had been mentally challenging.  Overcoming the inertia of not wanting to ride, made me feel good.

Sometimes it is just tough to get back on the saddle.  Today was like that for me, but hopefully next time it won’t be such a struggle.