It Was So Cold I Needed Arm Warmers On My Ride

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A couple of days ago, it was so hot that I got close to having heat exhaustion on my run.  This morning, as I prepared to start my bike ride, it was so cold and windy, that I decided I needed more than just my regular kit.  I went upstairs and grabbed my arm warmers.

In addition to the arm warmers, I also grabbed a plastic shopping bag. To combat the cold, I sometimes put a shopping bag under my kit, across my chest.  I just don’t think I have ever done it in June before.

Once out on the road, I was really glad that I had taken these extra steps to stay warm.  My feet got cold, but the rest of me was adequately warm.

I rode down to the local park, preparing to do some hard intervals.  When I got there, the place was super crowded with people. There was a charity walk happening, and there were people all over the road. I needed a change of plan.

So, instead of doing my efforts on the relatively flat loop around the lake, I chose to leave the main part of the park.  I chose to do my efforts by climbing hills.  Luckily, I know the park and the surrounding area really well.  I was able to work out a route, that involved enough climbing, to be able to complete my twenty minute intervals without any downhill sections.

Despite the cold, and some very strong wind, I had a great ride today.  The cooler temperatures probably helped.  I kept those arm armers on for the whole ride. I did remove the plastic shopping bag after my first hard interval, and that meant I didn’t sweat too much today. Hopefully, it stays cool for my run tomorrow.