It Takes Discipline To Work Out While Traveling

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Continuing a training program, and finding time to work out while traveling, can be quite a challenge.  On my current trip, I don’t have a bike with me and access to swimming pools is not guaranteed. This means that running, is the backbone of my training while away.  Luckily, my next race is an ultramarathon, so this is not an issue.

Even a training program that involves just running, takes discipline to follow when on the road.  I am visiting our daughter on this trip, so our days are full of things we want to do and see.  This means that I usually try to get my run completed, first thing in the morning.

After my long run yesterday, I had a much shorter run to do this morning.  I chose to run to the baseball stadium and take a look at it.  Target Field, looked like a great new park.  I took a few photos while there, before continuing my run.

Just like yesterday, I ended up getting slightly lost today.  Getting turned around a little in city streets is easy, and this is what happened today; I ended up running a little longer than planned again.  I think that I will finally get my directions sorted out, just as I am leaving town.

I truly admire people who travel all the time with their job, and still find time to work out while traveling.  It is tough, but I am determined to keep things going on this trip.