It Is Time To Plan The Rest Of My Year

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Now that Musselman, my ‘A’ race for the first half of 2022 is done, it is time to look forward and plan races for the rest of my year.  Having had a really good triathlon race, I am thinking I will take on a couple of different challenges.

I love triathlon racing, but I also want to try some new events. I will reveal my choices over the next few days. Suffice to say, I will have a busy end to the year.  I will also be taking on a challenge that may take me  longer to complete, than anything I have done before.

For now I will leave you guessing and give you a quick update on my bike wreck.  This morning I woke up with a very sore hip and ribs on the right side of my body.  I totally expected this and to be honest, it was not as bad as I feared.  As I write this blog post, the soreness is already subsiding.  Hopefully I will be close to fully over recovered in a day or two.

I am looking forward to the rest of my year. It should be a lot of fun.