It Is Time To Back Off The Volume And Get Ready To Race

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That big smile in the photo is because I had just finished my second run of the day.  Completing that run meant that I have finished my Peak Phase of training for Ironman Chattanooga.  Now it is time to back off the volume and get ready to race.

As I write this post, I am very tired.  I ran over twenty miles during the course of my two runs today.  I am extremely happy with how they went.  I am feeling strong and excited to get ready to race.

This week will still be a relatively high volume week of training, but nothing like the past two weeks.  Next week will be even lower volume.  Many people call this period of reduced volume, their taper period.  I prefer to think of it as a time where I will get stronger and will be able to fine tune things for my race.

I will cover today’s runs in tomorrow’s post, but for now, I’m tired and heading to bed.