It Is Time For A Little Recovery

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Like most triathletes, I use a periodized training approach.  In simple terms, a periodized approach, consists of blocks of training, each with a specific goal.

I am in the final week of a base training block.  Base training is all about getting the body ready to take on more training; it’s about building a solid base of fitness.  As a long course triathlete, base building focuses on improving my aerobic endurance and building strength.

Most training blocks are several weeks in length, and conclude with a week focused on slightly reduced training levels.  It is often called a ‘down week’ or ‘recovery week’.  It is a very important part of the block and periodized training.  Your body needs time to recover and to ‘absorb’ the training load of the previous weeks.  Your body gets stronger while recovering.

I am looking forward to this ‘down week’.  I am hopeful that I can finally eliminate the remaining issues, that I am having with my Achilles.  It is down to only a niggle now, but it still needs to be eliminated.  I will be focusing on eating well and sleeping well.  Good nutrition and rest are essential parts of good recovery.

I certainly nailed the ‘eat well’, this evening.  We had one of my favorite meals… a power bowl.  I now need to go to bed early, as I have a 6am business call with our team in Europe tomorrow. 

Focusing on recovery is just as important and focusing on training hard.  Goodnight!