It Is Back To Indoor Swimming Season

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I can tell that summer is over.  All summer, I have enjoyed the benefit of swimming in the neighborhood outdoor pool. Unfortunately, that pool is now closed for the winter, which means I am back to indoor swimming at LA Fitness.

I did my first structured swim workout in over three weeks this afternoon and I can tell that I have not been swimming.  I swam reasonably well, but I got tired very quickly.  My pace per 100 yards dropped off quite a bit towards the end of my session.

I find that of the three sports in triathlon, swimming is the one that suffers the most, if you stop for a week or two.  A couple of weeks without cycling or running, does result in a slight loss of fitness, but nowhere near the drop off I see with swimming.

After my return to indoor swimming this afternoon, I have resolved to get back in the pool consistently in the upcoming weeks.  My next race, SwimRun NC, demands that I get into some kind of swim shape.  Swimming in that race is very different to swimming in the pool, but I still need endurance in my swim muscles.

I have had an on and off relationship with swimming at LA Fitness. Today it was really good. The pool was clean and I had a lane all to myself for my whole session. In fact, for a portion of the time, I was the only person in the pool.  Long may that continue.