It Has Been Five Years Since My Last Olympic Distance Race

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I am racing again on Sunday, when I will compete in the Mighty Moraine Man Olympic distance race.  I couldn’t remember the last time that I did an olympic distance race, so I looked up my race results to find out.  I was surprised to find, that it was almost five years, since I last raced at this distance.

In August 2017, I did the MiltonMan Olympic race in Ohio.  It was quite a memorable race because the course was a very fast one.  Both the bike and run courses were dead flat, with minimal turns.  The biggest challenge that I remember was the heat.  I was very hot on the run. This was the race where I grabbed a cup of Gatorade and thinking it was water, poured it all over myself to try and cool down.  I was a sticky mess after that.

The photograph above is me leaving transition at the start of the run that day.  I had a good run in that race, and was only a minute slower than my open 10km race personal best at the time.  I hope that I will be able to run that fast on Sunday.

I have done the Mighty Moraine Man olympic race twice before.  Even though I am five years older, I am hoping to go faster this time around.  I am a better swimmer and biker than I was five years ago.  I just have to execute to my ability and be able to suck up the pain.  Olympic distance races are painful.  They are close to all out effort, for over two and half hours.  Maybe the pain is why I stopped doing them?  Sunday will probably remind me.