It Has Been A Busy Week But Now The Blog Is Back

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The blog is back.  I decided to take a break from writing a daily blog post, but after just over a week, it is time to get back at it.  I have been busy while I was away.

I am now fully back in the swing of training.  Our pool is still closed, so I cannot swim, but biking and running have been going very well. I am in the middle of a very demanding block of training on the bike trainer.  After three weeks, I can already see improvement, and I think I will be back to peak bike fitness more quickly than I imagined.

I am also completely over my Achilles injury and back to running.  I did my first tempo run this past week. Boy can I tell that I haven’t been running much lately.  On Wednesday, my wife and I joined the City of Bridges run club for their Holiday Lights run.  I didn’t actually run to see the lights (too much stopping and starting), but I did enjoy the social time and beer afterwards.

Finally, about a week ago, my wife and I signed up for our first race of 2023.  We are getting back together as team Blazing Paddles for another crack at a SwimRun race. We will be doing the Odyssey Coastal Dune Lakes race in Florida on March 5th.  Our goal is to try and not be dead last this time around. Oh and hopefully avoid the alligators !!

It is good that the blog is back.  Hopefully, I can get back into the swing of it.