Isolating On The Trail

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To ensure that I have been responsible with respect to distancing myself during exercise, I have been cycling out in the country and running around the perimeter of the local High School. 

While running at the High School makes it easy to keep isolated, the scenery is very boring.  I therefore decided that today I would try something different; I would go find a trail in the woods and run there.  It was a great choice.

I chose to run at the local park, but chose a place that I knew would likely be quiet.  It was quiet.  I ran for almost 50 minutes and only saw two other people; both were mountain bikers heading in the opposite direction to me. We passed each other in seconds and they were out of sight really quickly.

Trail running is so much different to street running.  The trail is constantly changing underfoot. There is constant elevation change.  The trail twists and turns.  All this change, means that it is more difficult to get into a running rhythm. You need to focus on where to place your feet. Inevitably, it also means running at a slower pace.

Trail running is good for you though.  I find that you use different muscles in your legs and feet, as you adjust to the the terrain.  Some of the hills are often steep, which means accepting a really slow pace, in order to keep your effort level under control.  It’s also good for the soul, to be out interacting with nature.

This was first trail run in almost six months.  I know it will be a lot less than six months, before my next one.