Ironman 70.3 Oceanside Is One Tough Race

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Short blog post this morning as I recover from a tough race in Oceanside.  From battling the surf, to the hills and wind on the bike, and the rolling run course, this race really takes it out of you.

I finished in 5:50:12, which was 44 minutes faster than my time in 2019.

  • Swim  :  39:49
  • T1  : 7:13
  • Bike  :  2:55:15
  • T2  : 5:43
  • Run  :  2:02:15

My legs are a little sore as I write this, but I thought I would be feeling the effects of this tough race a lot more this morning.

Apologies for the short blog post. I am really tired. 

Full race report will follow within the next week.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Deb

    Well done, Phil! Congrats on your finish and the time improvement!

  2. philjonestriathlon

    Thanks Deb…

  3. peter yock

    Well done Phil! Looks like bloody hard conditions – and the fact that you had such a large course PR says a lot about your hard work and stickability with all things training and tri.

  4. philjonestriathlon

    Thanks Peter…

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