Injection Number 1

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If you have been reading my blog lately, you will know that I am almost fully recovered from my injuries. I have started to run again, albeit for only 20-25 minutes at a time. I am also back to doing full strength workouts on the bike.

That said however, my knee still has some very slight pain from the patella arthritis, that I aggravated a month or so ago.  To try and eliminate all pain and to help prolong my ability to workout, my sports doctor has prescribed a series of three hyaluronic knee injections.  These are described as ‘gel injections’, and are designed to ‘lubricate’ the movement of my patella.  It’s like an oil change for my knee.

Sorry for the photo of my ugly knee, but how else do I show you where my first injection occurred this morning.  I will be having another two injections over the next two weeks, each one into a slightly different location behind the patella.  If all goes to plan, these injections should last about 9-12 months and should result in a pain free knee.

The only downside from the injections, is that I cannot swim for 48-72 hours afterwards.  This is to avoid the risk of an infection.  This meant that I couldn’t do my regular swim after work today.  As a bonus however, with the extended daylight from the clocks changing at the weekend, I was able to take my bike out for a quick spin instead.

That’s two days in a row, that I have been able to bike outside.  This early March weather has been fantastic …

Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.