I Watched My First Coached Athlete Become An Ironman Today

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I did my run workout early today for two reasons.  Firstly, I wanted to watch the Ironman 70.3 World Championship race, but mostly because I wanted to track one of my athletes.  He was attempting to become an Ironman.

The road to become an Ironman is long and tough.  Countless hours of training, all lead to the big day. As the coach of an athlete, who is attempting his first full distance race, it is also a long day. That was my day today.

I was constantly checking my phone for updates on the race tracker.  Time splits would come through, and I would wonder how my athlete was feeling.  I would question myself as to whether I had done enough to prepare the athlete, for such a huge event.  This athlete had done everything I had asked of him, so I fully believed he would be successful. Still the doubts crept into my mind.

As the day went on, my doubts got less and less.  I could see that he was going to persevere and get it done.  Today he became an Ironman and I became the coach of an Ironman.  It was a good day… a long one, but a good one.