I Was Tired On The Bike But I Know Why

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I spent ninety minutes late this afternoon, riding my bike to the local park and back.  It was a basic endurance ride workout.  Endurance ride workouts are not meant to be demanding; you just ride at a steady effort.  Even at relatively low effort however, I was tired on the bike today.

Occasionally being tired on the bike is not necessarily a bad thing, especially if you know why.  I know why I felt tired today.

The first reason is training fatigue.  I wrote about this a couple of days ago, and it is unlikely to go away until I begin my taper for Oceanside next week.

The second reason I was tired was because, before going out on my bike, I had spent a lot of time working on a new project I am doing at home.  We are replacing the carpet on our main staircase with wood steps.  The first job was to remove the old carpet and all of the staples and carpet tack strips.  This sounds easy, but it was hard and tedious work.  I had to focus, to ensure that I didn’t rip my fingers to shreds on all the tack nails.

Sometimes, other parts of your life impact your triathlon training and that is perfectly all right.  I am not a professional triathlete, so there is more to life than triathlon. Today, a home project took over my life… big deal.  It’s a project I want to do, so it’s all good.

That said, I will be resting well tomorrow morning. I am planning on doing my long ride tomorrow afternoon, as the weather looks to be absolutely perfect for it.