I Think I Lost More Fitness Than I Expected

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As my third week of training ended, I found myself quite tired and fatigued.  I think I lost more fitness than I expected after taking a break of just over five weeks.  In fact, by the time Sunday rolled around, I was tired enough to feel comfortable taking a day off.

My week of training looked like this.

Monday :  Easy outside run
Tuesday :  VO2 Intervals on bike trainer
Wednesday :  Aerobic outside run and a 1600m swim
Thursday :  Extended aerobic progressive intervals on bike trainer
Friday :  Aerobic long run outside
Saturday :  Aerobic bike ride on trainer
Sunday :  Day Off

Total training for the week :  Run = 3:13, Bike = 4:43,  Swim = 1600m

The good news is that I made it back to the Goodson Recreation Center for my first swim of the year.  The swim felt quite good, but I am experiencing a little shoulder pain, so I need to be careful increasing swim volume.

I also did my first very long run of the year.  The weather was spectacular for this time of year on Friday, and I ended up running just over 10 miles.  I ran on the beautiful Platte River Trail. This helped with the distance, because the run was almost perfectly flat.

Next week will be mostly a recovery week.  I’ll take it easy during the week and then start ramping things back up towards the weekend.

Platte River Trail - Blog

The Platte River Trail was a beautiful place for my long run on Friday