I Started A New Project On My Rest Day From Training

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I had a complete day off from working out today, so I decided to start a new project.  I am restoring two old hybrid trail bikes, that have been in my basement for years.

When our kids were young, my wife and I bought a pair of Motobecane Jubilee DLX hybrid trail bikes.  We bought them so we could go on family bike rides.  We had several years of good use out of the bikes, but since the kids grew up, we haven’t used them at all.

The bikes have been sitting in our basement gathering dust.  I hate to see them just sitting there, so today I decided I was going to restore them to full working order.  My goal is to get them to look great and to function really well.  I will then try to sell them for a few dollars or donate them.

Given their relatively low value, the main benefit of this project is the pleasure I will get from just working on the bikes.  I do all of my own bike maintenance, and so restoring these bikes will give me more valuable experience.  I find working on a bike, both relaxing and fun.

I was having so much fun working on this new project, that I had to force myself to stop this evening.  I needed to review my coached athletes workouts and write this blog.  I can’t wait to get back at it tomorrow morning.  I am hoping to finish the job this week.