I Paid For My Lack Of Discipline

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I didn’t sleep well last night, and I woke up with a telltale sign of a sore throat from my acid reflux issues. 

When I went downstairs to make coffee, I was reminded of some poor choices that I had made the night before.  There, sitting on our ottoman, was an empty packet of tortilla chips and an empty jar of salsa.  It was the fact that they were empty, that was the problem; I had eaten way too many chips, with way too much salsa, right before going to bed.

Late night snacking, is always where I struggle to maintain discipline.  Yesterday evening, I was tired after a long week at work and from a hard session in the pool.  I let down my guard.  Having a small snack in the evening, isn’t generally an issue, but often times, what starts out as a small snack, ends up with binge eating too much food.   

So having snacked too much and having slept badly, I got onto my bike this morning, for a two and half hour ride, that included some hard efforts at the end.  The easy effort part of the ride went quite well, as I once again joined my teammates on a Zoom call.  Once I started my one minute hard intervals however, I knew I was going to suffer.  

The first few intervals were not bad, but by the end of the first set, I could barely hold any power for the full minute.  I had two sets of these intervals with some reasonably hard riding in between and afterwards.  It was over thirty minutes of suffering.  I am sure some of my fatigue was from the past three weeks of training, but I am equally sure, that my choices last night, didn’t help.

This is not the first time I have lacked discipline with late night snacking and I’m equally sure, it will not be the last. I am human and stuff happens.  I am OK with it, and if you do the same sort of thing, you should be OK with it too.  We are all just working at trying to get better.