I Needed Some Help To Deep Massage My Calf Muscles

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Since before my race in Chattanooga, I have had, on and off Achilles tendonitis.  For the past few weeks, I had experienced no pain at all, until yesterday. Then all of a sudden, the pain was back.  I have become more and more convinced that the Achilles issue, is being caused by tight calf muscles, and have decided deep massage will help.

Normally, I try to address tight muscles by using a foam roller.  For some reason however, that isn’t working right now.  I have a knot in the side of my right calf, that foam rolling is not addressing.  I therefore decided to get some help.  I asked my wife to try eliminating the knot using deep massage.

This approach may have been a mistake… it really, really hurts!!  My wife was able to find the knot quite easily using her thumbs and went to town on it.  At one point, I thought I was going to hit the ceiling, I jumped so much in pain.

All in all though, it was a great decision.  Almost immediately after the massage, I noticed that my Achilles was feeling a little better.  I am a little sore where the knot in my calf  muscle was located, but I will more than happily deal with that soreness, to eliminate an issues with my Achilles.