I Need To Run As Much As Possible On Trails

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To prepare for my ultramarathon, I need to spend as much time as possible, over the next few weeks, running on trails. I started doing that this week.

When training for an important triathlon race, like the one I just did at Musselman, I tend to avoid running on trails. Trail running is good for you, but close to a big race, I am always fearful of injury.  I tend to worry about tripping or rolling an ankle, if I go trail running, so I stick to running on roads.

Now however, avoiding trails is something that I cannot afford to do. I have an ultramarathon in five weeks time, and a good portion of the race will be spent running through the woods.

I ran in the woods for just under two hours today. I parked my car near to the small church in North Park, and ran on the Orange Trail.  This trail is one of my favorites in the park.  It is a four mile loop, consisting mostly of single track, and it includes a decent amount of elevation.

I did just over two loops this morning.  The trail was surprisingly busy, with lots of other runners, some mountain bikers, and several people out walking their dog.  It is great to see our park getting so much use.

Now that I feel much better after my bike wreck, I think I will go run almost every day.  I need miles on my feet, in addition to time on the trails.