I Can’t Catch A Break With The Health Of My Feet

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If you look very closely at the photograph above, you may notice that the lacing on my right shoe is not as tight as it is on the left shoe. That is because I have some slight swelling in my right foot.  I can’t seem to catch a break with the health of my feet right now.

A week ago, I wrote about restricting runs to mostly on the treadmill, because of an issue with my left foot.  I am happy to report that this issue has been resolved.  My left foot feels good again. 

No sooner than getting the left foot fixed, I now have an issue with my right foot.  This issue however is different.  For years, I have dealt with the occasional breakout of gout.  It always affects the big toe area of my right foot.  I get some pain in the joint and my foot swells up around that area.

Gout is often triggered by something in the diet.  Unfortunately, I have never figured out what triggers a reaction for me.  I just get flare ups from time to time.Somewhat fortunately however, I am usually able to deal with it quickly and it doesn’t impact my training too much. 

With less than four weeks until my race, and in the middle of my final peak build, the last thing I need is problems with my feet.  Fingers crossed, this issue with my right foot, goes away as quickly as the issue in my left foot did.