I Am Still Sore So I Decided On Another Day Of Full Rest

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When I woke up this morning my body was still sore, so it was an easy decision, to take another day of full rest.  A major benefit of this, was that I was able to watch all of Stage 16 of the Tour de France.

In taking an inventory of my body, I have some good news.  My foot and Achilles tendon are both feeling very good.  I had been having issues with both going into the race, and was concerned that racing would aggravate these niggles.  So far, it appears that the opposite is true; both feel better than they did a week ago.

My quads on the other hand, are a different story. They are very sore.  It still hurts to walk downstairs, and the act of sitting down, hurts too.  I am thinking it will be Thursday or Friday, before these muscles are close to being back to normal.  I have a classic case of DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness).

My trapezoids are also a little sore. This is likely from riding in the aero position, for well over two hours.  I need to do some much longer rides in aero ahead of Chattanooga, in order to strengthen these muscles a little more.

After my day of full rest, I will return to working out tomorrow, with an easy swim.  I have not yet decided whether I will go to the lake, or head to to the pool.  Either way, it is time to start focusing on Ironman Chattanooga in September.