I Am Highly Motivated To Run Right Now

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Motivation is a strange beast.  We all go through phases, where we are either highly motivated to work out or just can’t seem to face going out the door.  Ever since my ultramarathon, I have been highly motivated to run.

I think there are a couple of factors at play here.  The first, is just how I felt the day after running 50 miles.  I was expecting my legs to be completely destroyed and thought I would be very sore. The complete opposite turned out to be true. My legs felt great and this made me realize, just how fit I am at the moment. Not wanting to lose this great run fitness, is one reason why I am motivated to run.

I think the second reason for the high motivation, is my upcoming marathon in Indianapolis in November. I am starting to think that I have the possibility of running a PR at this race.  Running a PR, five years after running my fastest marathon, is a big ask at my age, but I now believe it is possible.

My motivation to run helped a lot today. I was hoping to do one last outdoor swim in our neighborhood pool.  Unfortunately, very rainy weather meant the pool was closed.  Rather than be disappointed however, I was excited to go run instead.  I ran eight miles at the local park in the rain and it was wonderful.

I am not sure how long this motivation will last, but while I have it, I will be running (and smiling) a lot.