How Much Training To Do During Race Week

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It was a beautiful Fall day here in Pittsburgh today, and I had a really good run in North Park.  My run was almost eight miles long, and I included six miles at Tempo effort.  That was quite an intense run for race week, but I am not concerned about it.

Deciding exactly how much training to do during race week, is not an easy process.  There is not a standard amount of training, as it depends on so many factors.

  • How fatigued are you entering the final few days ahead of the race?
  • How important is the upcoming race?  Is it your ‘A’ race or just a race you are doing for fun?
  • How have you responded to training ahead of races previously?
  • Do you have a niggle or injury, that needs to heal up by race day?
  • How much stress are you under from ‘life’ in general?
  • How are you sleeping and recovering?

For me this time around, I am feeling quite good, I don’t have any niggles and the race itself (SwimRun NC) is mostly for fun.  I am sleeping reasonably well and not experiencing any other significant stress.  This all means that I can train quite a lot this week, and will still likely meet my expectations on Sunday.

My upcoming ‘A’ race is the Indianapolis Marathon on November 5th.  I am therefore treating this week like a typical training week, except I will race at the weekend, instead of doing a long run.  The SwimRun race will be a long, aerobic effort, and will give me a similar training effect to a long run.

So that’s my plan for this week.  I will only know how successful it is, after the race on Sunday.  I think I will be OK.