How Much Fitness Have I Really Lost In Two Weeks?

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As you will know, if you follow my blog, I have been on vacation in England for the past two weeks.  While in England, I was able to run a fair amount, but I only got to swim once and I didn’t bike at all.  The big question therefore, as I dive back into training, is how much fitness have I lost?

If you look at the charts from Training Peaks above, it would appear that I have lost quite a lot of fitness.  The ‘fitness’ charts suggest that I have lost maybe 20% of my fitness.  I am here to tell you, that the charts are wrong!

I haven’t been back on my bike yet, but judging from my long swim session this evening, I don’t feel like I have lost anything.  My swam this evening was long at 3,600 yards. In this swim, I was able to hold the same pace, that I was swimming at a month ago.  It was like I had been swimming as normal for the past two weeks.

I feel strong.  I feel rested. Perhaps that is why I don’t feel like I have lost fitness.  My body has had time to recover from working out everyday, and now it is ready to get back at it.  Tomorrow I have a short run and a long bike session.  Based on my swim today, I am confident that these workouts tomorrow, will go well. 

I let you know how these sessions go in my blog tomorrow. They will clearly provide more feedback, on how much fitness I have lost.