How A Slight Modification Got Me Through This Swim Set

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Some workouts are just a struggle.  I sometimes start a workout, and mentally find it hard to believe that I will be able to complete it.  When this happens, a slight modification to the plan, can make all the difference. That is what happened today.

I had two workouts to do today.  My first was a hard bike workout and this was followed by an endurance swim.  My bike workout went very well, but it took a fair bit out of me.  As soon as I got into the pool this afternoon, I felt tired.

During my swim warm up, my mind began to think about quitting the swim.  Doing fifteen 100’s with swim paddles seemed like it was impossible. I almost got out of the pool but somehow decided to start into the set. After just two of the 100’s, I was feeling even more tired and mentally drained. The 15 seconds rest interval before the next 100 came and went.  Just 15 seconds later however, I felt like I could do another couple of 100’s. So I pushed off the wall and started.

Therein was the key to me getting this workout completed.  I found that if I gave myself thirty seconds of recovery between each interval, I could mentally overcome the inertia to stop.  It seems crazy that just fifteen seconds of extra rest, every few minutes or so, would make that much difference, but it was huge.

Did I execute the workout perfectly?…. No. 

Did I finish a 3,000 yard swim, after thinking of quitting multiple times during the warm up?…. Yes. 

That is a significant win. Swimming 3,000 yards versus 600, is a big difference and those yards add up over time.

So, if you are struggling with a workout, listen to your body and adjust. A very slight modification, might be all you need to get through it.  Easing off your run pace slightly could help.  Dropping power by a few Watts, could make all the difference.  

Finding a way to get through a workout, when you want to quit is huge.  I feel great after such workouts.  I get a fantastic sense of accomplishment; much more so than after ‘perfectly’ executed workouts, where I didn’t struggle. 

So next time you are struggling, give it a go. Make a slight modification and see if you can get it done!