Having Fun Writing My Report

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Running the Rachel Carson Trail on Sunday was a long day, and my report is going to be the longest I have ever written.

I am enjoying the reliving of my day through writing the report.  I have decided to break it up into sections, with each one covering the part of the trail that I ran between my ‘aid stations’.  For each section, I am going to detail the distance, the elevation gain and drop, and my average pace. 

In doing this, it will be quite interesting to see how my day evolved and also will paint a picture of how varied and challenging the trail is.  I am trying to describe the features of each section, and how I was feeling at the time.  There will be fourteen sections in the report, and I am hoping to publish it tomorrow.

Two days after the run, I am continuing to recover. The parts of my body that were hurting yesterday, are starting to recover nicely and only my glutes feel a little more sore today.  If I continue to feel better tomorrow, I may decide to do an easy workout, to start to get back into the swing of things.

I want to get back to training; I just have to decide on my focus.  Should I just train easy for a while and have a sort of off-season?  Should I begin building my base for next year’s races?  Should I focus on improving a weakness?  I am not sure yet, and I don’t have to decide right away.

For now, I am going to continue to reflect on this past weekend, and finish that report for you all to read.