Harassed By The Local Wildlife On My Run Today

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I really like working out at my local park. I ride and run there a lot, and always enjoy seeing lots of local wildlife.

This year alone, I have seen lots of deer, some bald eagles, turtles, a beaver and much more.  Occasionally however, the local wildlife isn’t too happy to have me nearby.  That was the case this evening.

As I ran around the lake, I could see a small group of Canada Geese right next to the run path.  These geese can be very territorial and quite aggressive when they have youngsters around. This time of year however, they are normally quite comfortable with people being near them.  That is what I thought, as I approached the geese this evening.

Well I was wrong. As I got right next to the geese, one of them started to hiss, opened its wings and ran right at me.  Quite normal when youngsters are around but not at this time of year.  I was quite taken aback, and literally jumped out of the way.

The whole event was over in seconds and I was away from the geese quickly.  I did see another group of geese later on my run.  I approached this group with more care, but they were not the least bit interested in me.  I was even able to stop and take a photograph.

Getting charged by a goose is a small price to pay for being able to workout in the park.  It is such a beautiful place, and I cannot wait to see more local wildlife, next time I am there.