Happy To Be Back In The Pool

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Really happy to get back at it, in the pool this evening. 

With my injuries, I feel like I have done almost nothing for a month.  That’s not actually true, but it feels that way.  I think triathletes, who train on a consistent basis, really miss the daily ritual of working out.  Many triathletes also fear huge losses in fitness, when the workouts stop. While you do obviously lose some fitness, it’s often not anywhere near as much as you think it will be.

Tonight’s session in the pool was a short, but strong workout.  I did 20 x 100 yards on 15 seconds rest intervals.  I swam quite hard; probably something close to the pace I would do in a Sprint length race.  If swim fitness is anything to go by, I haven’t lost a lot of fitness yet.  I felt strong in the water and under control with my breathing.  

It was fortunate that I swam quite fast, because about five minutes before I finished, the life guard started getting the pool ready for an aqua fit class.  He took out the lane lines, almost hitting me with one.  The pool then started to fill up with people holding noodles.  This was all a little frustrating, especially when there was a big notice at the reception desk saying tonights aqua fit class was cancelled!!

Anyway, I got the workout done, spent a great 20 minutes in the sauna, showered and headed home.  Another, somewhat routine workout done, but today that routine workout felt special.

Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.