Happy For A Rest Day After Yesterday’s Bike Test

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The bike test that I did yesterday, was very demanding on my legs, and they are feeling tired today. I am therefore very happy that my coach scheduled a rest day for me today.

Taking a rest day every now and then, is a good practice for athletes who are very consistent and work out most days. A day resting and recovering, allows tired and stressed muscles to recover and rebuild. 

A day spent resting is also good for my mind.  I typically use the time to reflect on the past few weeks of training.  I try to remember all the good things that have happened.  This helps me get into the right frame of mind for the upcoming training block.

The only challenge that I face today, is that I will have to spend a good deal of time sitting.  Sitting is not the best thing to do, but I cannot avoid it today.   I will be back at training tomorrow, with an easy run.  I am looking forward to it.  It is always good to get moving again.