Habits Are Just So Hard To Form

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Ten days ago, I wrote about my desire to create a habit around improving my flexibility and mobility.  Well, I can tell you that I have really struggled with that program and am back at square one.  It is just so hard to create a habit.

I have been agonizing all day about why I haven’t succeeded.  I think some of it comes down to poor time management.  I get busy doing lots of things, then I waste time on frivolous items, like scrolling through social media, and before you know it, the day is gone and it is late at night. 

I also think, that in the case of mobility work, it’s not a pleasant activity.  I have poor mobility, so most of the exercises are actually quite painful.  If I actually stuck to the program, and became more flexible and mobile, then there would be less pain.  It’s a case of pushing through to get to that point, but so far I have failed.

I was starting to really beat myself up about it.  I thought about it a lot, during my bike trainer ride this evening.  Then, I sat down for dinner.  My wife had made me a fantastic power bowl, with grilled chicken, beans, roasted potatoes and lots of tasty greens.  We have gotten into the habit of having these power bowls on a regular basis (at least once a week).  It has become a habit. A couple of years ago, I would never have guessed that I would be regularly eating this type of great, healthy food.

So now, instead of beating myself up about failing to maintain the mobility program I had started, I am resolving to try again.  Creating habits is indeed hard, but I do know that if I don’t try, the habit isn’t going to form by itself.  

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Mark Moody

    Like your mobility exercise routine, I have what I call a Leg and upper body program. In order to complete a upper and lower body “program” it took 90 minutes. So I broke it in half. On days that I do my Leg program, I follow it with a short more intense run. I found by cutting the upper/ lower body work out in half, and taking a short more intense run after my Leg work out I save quite a bit of time, and get a we’ll rounded work out. This was a long winded way asking you if you could shorten, or break in half your mobility work out so can more easily squeeze everything in. I think by breaking it up your doing something every day for mobility, and still getting the main set completed. I have an 8 yr old daughter so time is not something I have a lot of. I’m not sure how much volume your doing this time of year. I know it feels good knowing I’m doing something (beneficial) everyday.

    1. philjonestriathlon

      Good advice Mark… starting small is the way to go I think. Thanks!

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