Great Swim Boosts My Spirits At The End Of A Tough Week

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As I get towards the end of another solid week of training, I had just a few workouts to complete this weekend, before I start my taper.  I have struggled a little bit with training fatigue this week, so when I had a great swim in the pool this afternoon, it really gave me a boost.

After a seven mile run with our local run group this morning, I was feeling a little tired and not that excited about going to the pool.  Having already missed one swim workout this week however, I really didn’t want to skip this one.  I therefore grabbed my swim gear late this afternoon, and headed off to the pool.

My swim workout was an interval swim, with lots of varied intervals.  The main part of the set was 5 x 100 in Zone 4, followed by 4 x 100 in Zone 3, after a short swim with the pull buoy.  To be honest, I was dreading the 5 x 100 in Zone 4.  Zone 4 swimming is tough for me, because that is where I typically get very out of breath.

Today however, I once again focused on relaxing while swimming hard, and it seemed to work.  While I was still breathing pretty heavily at the end of each hundred, I was able to recover enough to put in a solid set.  I was especially pleased with my pace.  It may have been my fastest ever set of 5 x 100.

It is not often that a swim is my best workout of the week. The great swim that I had this afternoon however, felt like my best workout this week. It has given me a lot of confidence, heading into Oceanside.