Got Up Early And Did The Wrong Workout

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Just before going to bed last night, I checked the weather forecast.  All day yesterday, I had been hearing about a large snowstorm, that was going to hit the Pittsburgh area today and tomorrow.  Sure enough, the forecast was predicting that snow would start falling by mid-morning today.  This meant one thing; if I wanted to do my run workout outside, then I would have to get up early and do it before work.

My alarm went off just after five o’clock this morning.  I was really tired and sleepy, so I hit the snooze button several times, before eventually getting out of bed.  I had an early work call, so I didn’t have time to grab a coffee before heading outside.  In my hurry, I glanced at my scheduled workout and saw that it was 50 Minutes long with sprints.  I assumed that it was the same workout that I had done the previous week , so I went out the door and did the same run as I did last Wednesday.

Even though it was very cold, I had a great run.  To finish off the fifty minute session, I did thirty minutes of shorts sprints on long recovery.  It was only when I loaded the workout into Training Peaks and made comments, that I realized my error.  My coach had actually scheduled me, to do longer sprints on shorter rest, within the run.  I had done the wrong workout.

You know what though…. it doesn’t matter.  What I actually did, was quite close to what I was supposed to do.  I ran the same amount of total time and I had included sprints.  Quite honestly, even if I had just run an easy run with no sprints, it wouldn’t make a difference in the overall scheme of things.

It’s important to not get totally hung up in the minutiae of your workouts.  As long as you are consistently doing something close to what is scheduled in your plan, you will still be getting fitter and you will still be ready for racing, when that time arrives.