Getting My Head Straight Now I’m Injured

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I’m injured.  Things cannot be the same, and working out is not my highest priority right now.  I must focus on getting healthy. This not only means getting my Achilles fixed, but also involves making sure my mental health is good too.

For someone who works out as often as I do, an injury can be tough mentally.  Training is such a big part of my daily routine, that when it is taken away, it is easy for me to feel down.  Days can feel empty without a workout.

I have realized over the years, that to avoid this empty feeling, it is important to focus on doing something positive.  When I woke up this morning, and saw that the weather was going to be fantastic, I decided that my wife and I needed to do something outdoors.  I suggested we grab some picnic stuff from the store, and head up to Moraine State Park.

It proved to be a great choice.  It was so nice to be able to sit and enjoy the fresh air, while looking at the lake.  Our picnic was great and we just enjoyed being out in the sun on this beautiful November day.

My Achilles injury is still very painful and I have decided to use crutches to get around.  Anything to avoid further aggravating the injury.  This is the worst Achilles injury that I have ever had, so it might be a while before I can work out again.  This makes it even more important that I don’t just fall into the “I’m Injured” trap.  I have to get on with things and enjoy life.