Getting Into A Workout Groove

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For some reason, working out is going great this week.  I have done two daily workouts, every day this week.  I am feeling strong.

I think there are several reasons for this.  For one, I am eating much better recently.  I have cut out all the processed food and treats, that I was eating over the Holidays.  I am also sleeping better.  Just going to bed a little earlier at night, seems to really help this. Finally, I am being consistent with strength training.

Today, I got up early and did my 90 minute bike ride on the trainer before work. Then, immediately after work, I went down to the basement to lift weights.  I upped the weight I am lifting a little bit this evening, and was really encouraged to find that I coped with it quite well.

I think that this is the key to triathlon training.  Consistently doing lots of small things, adds up to bigger things in the long run.  You can’t get better by doing a couple of epic workouts a week.  You need to workout most days and most of the workouts can be easy efforts.  Add in good nutrition, solid recovery, some strength work, and you have a pretty complete picture.

So, as I wait to find out if my races this year will actually happen, I am continuing to move forward.  It feels good to be in a groove.