Fueling Correctly Makes A Difference

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Last week, I wrote about the failed FTP test that I did on my bike.  The previous day I wrote about correctly fueling my body, through eating healthy and eating the right amount of food.

If you read both posts, you may come to the same conclusion that I did about my poor bike workout.  It may have happened because my body wasn’t fueled correctly.  I talked about being low in carbohydrate intake during the early part of last week, and then, I have a bad FTP test on Thursday.

Knowing that I had a really tough bike session this evening, I consciously chose to significantly increase my carbohydrate intake, for the two days prior to this hard session.  The photo above is a direct comparison of my macronutrient profile from yesterday and the same day from last week.  I ate 114g more carbohydrate yesterday compared to last Tuesday – an almost 40% increase.

So what happened tonight on the bike?  Answer … a really good workout.  I was able to push very hard right to the end.  No guarantees that this extra fuel was the reason for such different results on the bike, but it seems like a solid explanation to me.

The simple act of tracking my food, is starting to give me some great insights.  I have to admit that tracking food intake is a major chore, but the information that I’m getting from it is fantastic.

Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.