Found Some Speed On The Last Run Of The Training Block

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Today was the last day of my final training block before Ironman 70.3 Oceanside.  My workout was a 90 minute run, consisting on 30 minutes in Zone 2, 35 minutes building pace up to the top of Zone 4 and then a 25 minute easy pace cool down.  My legs have been tired lately, but they felt good today and I found some speed.

If you are familiar with the TrainingPeaks program for tracking workouts, then you may know about Peak Performances.  For premium members, the program highlights a ‘peak performance’ whenever you achieve a measured performance metric ,that is either in the top three of the current year, or top three all-time.

Today’s blog photograph highlights the various ‘peak performances’ that I achieved during today’s run.  You can see that I ran my fastest 800m, 1 Mile, 5km and 10km of 2022, during my long run today.  Given that I achieved these results at the end of big training block is very encouraging.

As usual, I have blocked out the specific times and paces that I achieved.  The numbers are only relevant to me and I am a big believer in athletes not making comparisons between themselves and others.  Each of us is on our own journey.  (If you are the kind of person that really wants to know the times etc., I am on Strava !!).

So, now it is time to begin tapering for my race and absorbing the gains that I have made over the past four weeks.  Looks like I have found some speed.  I just hope that I am able to capitalize on it during my race.