Focussing On Rest and Foam Rolling Has Helped My Injury

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I am a much happier person this evening.  I have spent all day, focussed on taking care of my injury, and I feel like it has improved quite a bit.

In trying to figure out how to help my injury get better, I have concluded that I need to focus on my calf muscles.  I did some foam rolling last night, and discovered that my calf muscles are extremely tight and full of knots.

It seems to me that, tight calf muscles will constantly pull on the Achilles tendon.  This constant tension, is likely to continue to aggravate my soreness, until I address it. So today, I have foam rolled my calf muscles every four hours.  I am already feeling the difference and can walk without the use of crutches.

I am clearly still injured, but my heel doesn’t feel anywhere near as sore or inflamed.  Resting and relaxing all day has probably helped too.  This evening, my wife and I set up the fire pit, lit a fire and just sat and watched the flames. When you are British, you have to have a fire on November 5th !!

I plan to repeat my rehabilitation protocol tomorrow. My hope is that I will feel well enough, to head to the pool for some workouts next week.  It will be good to do something again.