First Run Of The Year

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My injuries have healed enough, that I decided today was the day to try and run again.  I did a super easy run on the treadmill and it felt so good.

I completed my last run on Christmas Eve and, as you know, a metatarsal stress fracture and a knee injury, have kept me out of my running shoes ever since. 

I have been inching closer to being ready for a run for a while now, and I could probably have run last weekend.  I made the decision a while back however, that I would wait an additional week after feeling ready, before I would actually run.  I am focussing on coming back slowly; a reoccurrence of one of these injuries would be a huge set back.

I am going to be running on the treadmill for a while, in order to minimize the impact from running.  My treadmill has an adjustment that allows me to make it soft or firm.  It is at the softest setting right now.

The run itself went very well.  No pain from the injuries and because the pace I chose, was super easy, the overall run was very comfortable.  I’ll be monitoring my injuries closely for the next 24 hours, just to make sure there is no delayed reaction, but so far, so good.

Today was a big day, especially from a mental and motivation point of view.  Sometimes, a simple two mile run can mean an awful lot…

Quick footnote :  My website is pretty basic right now.  I chose to start sharing first, rather than spending time making the website complete before launching the blog.  I’m looking forward to building the website over time into a useful resource for you .. just another part of my ‘life’ that you will get to read about.