Finding A Way To Workout On Tough Days

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We all have them. Tough days where you have no motivation to work out.  I had one of those days today.

After a long work week, I ended up having a very late night last night.  My wife and I enjoyed a bottle of wine and watched some TV.  It was so relaxing, that before we knew it, it was well past midnight before we went to bed.  Consequently, when my ‘body clock’ woke me up around 6am, I was tired from lack of sleep.

I was hoping to ride outside, but the temperature was really cold.  It was in the high 30’s / low 40’s all day.  This meant that to do my ride, I would have to do it on the trainer.  I get way too cold on my triathlon bike, at these kind of outside temperatures.

My problem was that I was struggling to mentally prepare, for a long ride on the trainer.  I have been riding outside for the past two weeks, so the thought of getting back on the  trainer was tough.  

Luckily however, my coach had given me the option of riding between two hours and three and half hours today.  The ride was also an easy effort ride.  I was planning on riding for at least three hours, but now I was riding on the trainer, I had a way out.  Three hours on the trainer was a daunting thought, but I could maybe last for two.

It took me all day, but I eventually got changed into my cycling gear, and went down to the basement.  I got onto my bike and started to ride.  It was tough.  My legs were a little dead and time seemed to pass so slowly.  With an hour to go however, my wife joined me for her ride.  

As we rode together, my mind went away from thinking about how much I didn’t want to ride.  I just rode.  As time passed, my ride became easier.  My legs seemed to wake up and I finished the ride strong.  

We all have tough days, but if you can commit to starting your workout, it is pretty rare, that you don’t end up finishing it.