Finally I Have An Open Pool Where I Can Swim

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It has been over two weeks, since I had access to an open pool.  The pool at LA Fitness has been closed due to lack of ventilation in the pool room.  It is still closed, but fortunately, our neighborhood outdoor pool opened this past weekend.

The neighborhood pool is open for lap swimming between 11.00am and noon, every day. Weather permitting, I plan to use it a lot this summer.  The water quality is better than the pool at LA Fitness, and there is nothing like breathing fresh air while swimming.

I struggled a bit with my swim today.  Swimming is the one sport where I find that I lose ‘fitness’ quickly.  It is not that I am really losing fitness, but it feels that way. What I do lose quickly, is technique and ‘feel’ for the water.  I just didn’t feel like I was swimming well this morning.  It’s is going to take a few sessions to get my groove back.

Today was a big workout day, because I’ll be traveling for a couple of days, and won’t have access to a pool or my bike.  So, in addition to swimming, I also ran and biked today.  It was a hot day, so I am feeling a little fatigued as I write this blog.

Anyway, it is great to finally have an open pool.  I only have five weeks until my next race.  It’s time to get back to work in the pool.