Feeling Strong On The Bike Ahead Of Sunday’s Race

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How do you know if you are ready to race?  One way, is to assess how you feel during race week.  Are you starting to feel fresh?  Do you feel strong?  This evening, I confirmed that I am feeling strong on the bike.

My ride today was just an hour long, but included a couple of harder five minute intervals.  It would have been easy to do that session on the bike trainer, but I chose to do something a little different instead.  I joined the local triathlon club, for their group ride at my local park.

It was an absolutely gorgeous evening to ride.  The small group did a couple of loops around the lake, and then myself and another cyclist, left the group to do some intervals.  We got lucky in that we found a clear section of road and we were able to push really hard.  We did several hard intervals at the same part of the loop.

Like I mentioned, I worked hard during the intervals. After the ride, I was happy to discover that I had achieved my best five minute power of the year. Clearly, the bike legs are coming around ahead of my race.  I am definitely feeling strong on the bike.

P.S.  As usual, I have blocked out the actual number for the watts I achieved.  Like I always say, the number is only important to me and I don’t like comparing with others.  I don’t believe you should be comparing your numbers to others either, and this stops you comparing yourself to me.