Family Therapy

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My third week of enforced ‘working from home’ is over.  It still feels a little strange, but there are some real benefits emerging.

For one, I am getting almost two ‘extra hours’ each day, because I don’t have to commute to work.  My commute these days is literally one minute long; I just walk upstairs to my ‘office’.

The other really nice benefit, is spending time with my family.  It’s been several years since the whole family lived together in the same house and it’s really nice … at least for now.  

As I have discussed on many occasions, I typically do nearly all of my triathlon training, alone.  I am fine with that, as it gives me time to think and relax.  With all that is going on with the pandemic however, that has changed. I have started to do evening runs together with my family.  Even though we don’t all run at the same pace, the fact that we all run the same one mile loop at the local High School, means we see each other a lot during the workout.  It’s always good to see a smiling face on your run

I had a thirty minute easy run this evening.  It went quite well, and my new achilles injury didn’t bother me too much at all.  I find that running during the early, low pain, phase of achilles injuries, seems to help.  The injury actually feels quite good, as I write this.

Tomorrow I have an easy bike ride and the weather looks great.  Sunday, I have another easy run and that should be another opportunity to run with the family … it’s great therapy!