Faithfully Completing The ‘Boring’ Stuff

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Whenever I tell friends that I will be riding my bike on the trainer for two hours in our basement, they often remark that it has to be very boring.  On the face of it, these kind of workouts are potentially ‘boring’, especially when they are like today’s workout, a simple Zone 1 – Zone 2 session.  While not exciting however, these kind of workouts are very important.

These longer, relatively easy effort workouts are critical for building endurance.  They get your body used to working for a long time, and help develop the metabolism that you will need to complete a long course triathlon.

There are several things that I do to pass the time during these longer trainer rides.  Most often I will watch something on the television; either something from a streaming service like Netflix, or like today, live sport.  Today I watched the NFL playoffs.

I had other ‘tedious’ work to do today as well.  I had to complete the physiotherapy exercises, that I am doing to rehabilitate my Achilles tendonitis.  I must admit that the fifteen minutes needed to complete these exercises, three times a day, is pretty boring. Just like the workout above however, faithfully completing these exercises is critical.

So not every day is going to be an exciting day for working out.  It’s just one of those things; you do the work, and keep moving forward.