Exploring New Roads

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My decision to switch workouts this weekend, worked out great. The weather today was much nicer, which meant, I could head outside for my bike ride.

With today being a low effort ride in Zones 1 and 2, I decided I would go explore some new roads.  There are lots of small country roads to the north and east of where I live.  There are usually very few cars on these roads, which makes them ideal for exploring by bike.

The great unknowns are always the quality of the road surface and hills.  Some of these back roads can be really rough, which means they are hard on the body and demand your full attention, so as to avoid bumps and potholes.  This makes the riding less enjoyable, mostly because you cannot take in the scenery.

The route I chose today, had only a few short sections of rough surface, but it had a lot of hills.  There really wasn’t any part of the ride that was flat.  A couple of the hills included some really short, steep inclines, where I needed to get out of the saddle to ensure I got up them.  There were also a couple of really fast downhill sections too, which are always fun if they are relatively straight. 

All in all, it was a good ride.  I found a couple of old barns, that will make great backdrops for future bike photos.  I also know where to go if I want to get some hill work done.  As the weather starts to get better, I am looking forward to exploring even more roads in the future.