Excited For My Trail Run Tomorrow

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Tomorrow I have a two and half hour trail run on my schedule.  The weather is going to be perfect, and I am really looking forward to getting out into nature.

I am going to do a point to point run.  I will start early, at one end of the trail, and I have arranged to meet my wife at a gas station further down the route.  Hopefully, I have my timing figured out, so neither one of us has to wait a long time for the other.

The trail I will be running, doesn’t have any options for refueling, so I need to be self sufficient for my run.  I have just finished preparing my supplies, which you can see in the photo.  I have two bottles of Infinit sports drink, some chews and a waffle.  Total calories are just under 900, which will be plenty.  I also have a bladder of water, to make sure I have enough liquids.  

I will pack all this into my run vest, together with a spare pair of socks, a spare shirt and a mask (should I need to go into a store for anything).  I will be wearing my Road ID, which has emergency contact information, and I’ll also be carrying my phone.

Trail running is new for me, so I am trying to think of everything that I might need.  I am sure there are things that I’m forgetting, so if you know of something, please let me know!