Every Workout Impacts The Next

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Not even good hydration and fueling, could save me on my long run today.  My legs were dead for the whole of my 95 minute run.

I got up early to run, while it was still relatively cool, and I made sure I had plenty of water and nutrition.  I set myself up for a great run, but it was not to be.  For the whole run, I was waiting for my legs to ‘wake up’ and feel good.  They really didn’t do that until the last few minutes, when I added in some high speed intervals.

The good news is that even though I didn’t feel great, I was able to push through, and get the workout done as planned.  That was because I knew exactly why my legs were feeling the way they did; it was a result of yesterday’s bike ride.  Yesterday, I did a ton of climbing on the bike, and even though my legs felt fine on the ride, they were impacted by the effort.

It’s very important to remember that workouts are cumulative.  Back to back hard workouts really fatigue your body.  This is why you cannot do hard or long workouts every single day.  You have to allow your body to recover.  It’s during recovery, that the body gains strength.

So, if you are having a bad workout and feel tired, just remember that it might be the work you did the day before, that is causing the issue. If you know you have cumulative fatigue, remain confident in your training and recover hard…